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Gammel 21-09-05, 19:16   #20
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Medlem siden: Feb 2004
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Ta det med ro du Dolphy !
Det er vitenskaplig bevist at du tåler mer kalorier når du er i ketose og inntar en del fett enn når du ikke er i ketose. At du får i deg nok (godt) fett spiller en viss rolle her. Spiser du magert vil ikke ketosen ha samme effekt, og da har herren her rett ang kaloriene. På langt nær de fleste tar av i ketose, selv om det finnes unntak. Det er derfor bl.a. Atkins sier at det ikke er nødvendig å telle kalorier. Atkins har tross alt et erfaringsgrunnlag ved behandling av 70000 pasienter i løpet av 30 år. Flere tunge forskningsrapporter har truffet konklusjonen at Atkins faktisk HAR rett m.h.t. fett/ketose - de var overrasket, men måtte bare bøye eg for resultatene. Den optimale sammensetningen av en ketogen diett viste seg å være 70-75% fett, 20- 25% protein og 5 % karber. Dette gjelder på en diett på rundt 20-35 karber pr dag. Etterhvert som karbetallet øker, må fettandelen senkes. Ellers legger man i versta fall på seg.

Hvis du orker å lese:


One last study was really a blowout. It reported on a group of obese adolescents put on a controlled carbohydrate diet with no restriction on calories for three months and meticulously monitored throughout that period. By design, the regimen was based on the Atkins approach. The group was compared to a control group put on a low-fat diet. The teens lost significantly more weight on the controlled carbohydrate diet than on the low-fat diet. The written records indicated that at the end of the trial, the adolescents in the controlled carbohydrate arm had averaged 1,830 calories daily, while those in the low-fat arm had consumed 1,100 calories. The controlled carbohydrate group averaged 21.7 pounds lost, compared to 9.1 pounds for the low-fat group, and a significant improvement in body mass index compared to the low-fat dieters.8

Opprinnelig lagt inn av Nutrition Journal


Researchers Say Low-Carbohydrate Diets Have Metabolic Edge

In a recent paper published in the Nutrition Journal, researchers from SUNY Downstate Medical Center show that calorie for calorie, low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets are generally more effective for weight loss than low-fat diets. Their data goes against a longstanding belief in the nutrition community, which for years has held that only calories count in the battle to lose weight.

“There are numerous examples of low-carbohydrate diets being more effective than low-fat diets with the same number of calories. It doesn’t always happen but it can happen,” said Dr. Richard Feinman of the Department of Biochemistry, SUNY. “The nutritional establishment has been reluctant to accept this, because they say it violates the laws of thermodynamics. However, they have not really looked seriously at thermodynamics. If they had, they would see that these results are possible, and according to the second law of thermodynamics, are also to be expected.”

Feinman and Fine reviewed the existing literature on studies that compared low-carbohydrate and low-fat nutritional approaches. In doing so, they found a sufficient number of reports in the literature to establish the existence of a metabolic advantage. Clinical studies from such well-established research facilities as Duke and Harvard¹-², among others, were reviewed and analyzed. The researchers tabulated results from 10 studies, demonstrating that low-carbohydrate diets can lead to greater weight loss than isocaloric low-fat diets.

To explain this metabolic advantage, Dr. Feinman and Dr. Eugene J. Fine suggest that carbohydrates are more quickly used as fuel for the body, whereas protein “burns” much more slowly. “Your body can make glucose from protein and, to a much lesser degree, from fat,” stated Dr. Feinman.“The process of making glucose from protein is slow, and to get the extra energy needed, your body will burn the fat that it has already stored. I think that's the bottom line.”

The researchers stress that the human body is not a storage locker. They compare it to a machine, and the efficiency of the machine is controlled by hormones and enzymes, which are impacted by nutrients. Carbohydrate consumption increases insulin and other hormones that regulate enzymes which can lead to storing fat rather than burning it.

Feinman, R.D., Fine, E.J., “A Calorie is a Calorie Violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics,” Nutrition Journal, 2004, 3(1): p. 9.

<LI>Selected References

Benoit, F.L., Martin, R.L., Watten, R.H., "Changes in Body Composition During Weight Reduction in Obesity: Balance Studies Comparing Effects of Fasting and a Ketogenic Diet," Annals of Internal Medicine, 63(4), 1965, pages 604-612.

  1. Young, C.M., Scanlan, S.S., Im, H.S., et al., "Effect on Body Composition and Other Parameters in Obese Young Men of Carbohydrate Level of Reduction Diet," The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24, 1971, pages 290-296.
  2. Rabast, U., Kasper, H., Schonborn, J., "Comparative Studies in Obese Subjects Fed Carbohydrate-Restricted and High-Carbohydrate 1,000 Calorie Formula Diets," Nutritional Metabolsim 22 (1978) pp. 269-277.
  3. Lean, M.E.J., Han, T.S., Prvan, T., et al., "Weight Loss With High and Low Carbohydrate 1200 Kcal Diets in Free Living Women," European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51(4), 1997, pages 243-248.
  4. Skov, A.R., Toubro, S., Ronn, B., et al., "Randomized trial on protein vs carbohydrate in ad libitum fat reduced diet for the treatment of obesity," International Journal of Obesity, 23, 1999, pages 528-536.
  5. Golay, A., Allaz, A.F., Morel, Y., et al., "Similar Weight Loss With Low- or High-Carbohydrate Diets," The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63(2), 1996, pages 174-178.
  6. Golay, A. et al., "Weight-Loss with Low or High Carbohydrate Diet?," International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 20(12), 1996, pages 1067-1072.
  7. Sondike, S.B., Copperman, N.M., Jacobson, M.S., "Low Carbohydrate Dieting Increases Weight Loss but not Cardiovascular Risk in Obese Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial," Journal of Adolescent Health, 26, 2000, page 91.

Men uansett hva du gjør kan du ikke punktslanke kroppen din. Målrettet trenig virker til en viss grad, men en kombinasjon av kosthold og trening er et aller beste. Og så strammer du opp overalt da vettu !

Life is short ~ break the rules ~ forgive quickly ~ kiss slowly ~ love truly ~ laugh uncontrollably ~and never regret anything that made you smile
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