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Gammel 03-03-07, 01:31   #25
Solan sin avatar
Medlem siden: Jan 2007
Hvor: Grimstad
Alder: 57
Innlegg: 288
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Linx ...

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En ok link

Strengt talt trenger vi ikke karber. Kroppe kan lage dem selv om nødvendig. Også om man skal trene beinhardt.:

Linken du bruker som støtte for påstanden sier faktisk det motsatte:

We now know that both high-carbohydrate and high-fat diets cause fatigue and poor performances. The best diet is probably somewhere in between: one that supplies enough fat to stimulate fat metabolism and maintain production of testosterone and estrogen and also supplies enough carbohydrate to keep the brain and nervous system happy and the glycogen stores filled. Many sports scientists are recommending a basic diet that supplies 50 percent carbohydrate, 30 percent fat, and 20 percent protein, with additional carbohydrates after hard or long-duration training.

Fra samme link, om intervalltrening:

A recent study examined the effect of high-intensity interval sessions on fat and carbohydrate metabolism and lactate concentrations in cyclists who had been training two to three hours per day for years. They replaced some of their endurance miles with two weekly sessions of 6-9 x 5-minute intervals with 1 minute of recovery between. After six weeks, the percentage of energy coming from fat during a one-hour trial had increased from 6 percent to 13 percent.


Solan er avlogget   Min kostholdsfilosofi: Egen mix; utforsker Weston A Price / Mary Enig / Sally Fallon Svar med sitat