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Gammel 25-05-09, 03:04   #14
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Medlem siden: May 2009
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Sv: PH-mirakelet av Robert O. Young!

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Nei, ikke helt overbevist jeg heller. De fleste så jo nesten friskere ut før.

Her er dr. Mercola's synspunkt på saken:

Ellers kan du jo alltids spise bakepulver. Det er veldig basisk!

Men jeg prøver å være åpen for nye impulser, så jeg er veldig interessert i å høre mer om dette. Har du tenkt å prøve det ut over en periode?

Hei jeg har snakket med Dr Robert O Young angående det Dr Mercola hadde å si om ph balansen og det. Her skal jeg sitere hva han hadde å si om meningene til Dr Mercola. Utrolig kunnskapsrik denne Dr Robert O Young.

" The life span of Eskimos is around 56. Not impressive. The acids from meat are devastating to the body. Of all the ways the body can buffer acids, the excretion of protein generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all ... Read Moresickness and disease. Eat protein a die sooner: Mainly due to over consumption of:
1st Protein
2nd Sugar
When protein breaks down it forms strong acids including nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric and uric acid like “battery acids” they will burn holes in clothes, metal, and human cells
We need less than 3 to 5 grams of protein daily.

The average American eats over 200 grams per day.
The destruction of Mayan Indians of Central and South America was from demineralization from the ingestion of protein as if they had been soaked in excess acid.

When large amounts of HCL enter the stomach from a rich protein meal, this acid is then withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting “alkalosis... ” or “base flood” (surplus) of NaHCO3 was not taken up by the “alkalophile glands”.
Alkalophile glands need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions.
The alkalophile glands are the pancreas, Brunner’s glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), Lieberkuhn’s glands, and the liver (bile has strong acid binding capabilities).

After a high protein or sugary meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline. Protein and sugar nourishment then leads to acid in the organism not only by the production of sulfuric, phosphoric, nitric, uric, lactic and acetylaldehyde acids but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. This is a double loss of bases and what sets the stage for sickness and dis-ease.

A latent “acidosis” is the condition that exsists when there are not enough bases in the alkalophile glands because they have been used up in the process of neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen fibers.
This leads to compensated “acidosis.” This means the blood pH has not changed but other body systems have changed.
This can then lead to decompensated “acidosis” where the alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and the pH of the blood is altered.

Decompensated “acidosis...” can be determined by testing the blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH.
The decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body occurs because of hyper-proteinization, too much protein and hyper-carbohization, too much sugar.
This is why 80 to 90 year old folks all shrunk up and look like prunes. They have very little or no alkaline reservses in their alkalophile glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone, so are we and our battery runs down.
The charge of our cellular battery can be measured by testing the ORP.

Of all the ways the body can buffer acids, the excretion of protein generated acid residues is the only process that does not add bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness and disease.
In the long run the only way to replace these lost bases is by eating more alkaline electron ... rich green foods and long chain polyunsaturated fats.
A cucumber a day keeps the Doctor away – not an apple

The key is to keep all of your fluids in an alkaline state, including the stomach and bowels. My foundational theory is the human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. The body is constantly trying to overcome the acids from metabolism.

Science is 100% wrong about the stomach being acidic. Its major purpose is to produce alkalinity for the body and the food we eat. HCL is a waste product of base production or sodium bicarbonate production.

During heavy exercise, the resulting lactic acid if not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body and is called the colloidal connective tissue organ of SCHADE. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the ...parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ. This organ connects, holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ, which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop.

Acid reflux, indigestion, nausea, ulcers and eventual stomach cancer are all the result of the body's need for alkalinity and sodium bicarbonate not HCL or what some so-called health professionals suggest is drink vinegar. A very dangerous and damaging to health recommendation.

There is a daily rhythm to this acid base, ebb and flow of the fluids of the body.
The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger’s space while we sleep.
These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine at 2am is the most acidic
The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger’s space, the extracellular fluid compartment of the body.
On the other hand the Pishinger’s space becomes most alkaline around 2pm (the base flood) as then the most NaHCO3 is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach....
If your urine is not alkaline by 2pm you are definitely in an ACID condition and lacking in alkaline reserves. The pH of the urine should run between 6.8 and 8.4

The free acids formed after a high protein meal such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric and nitric acids stick ot the collagen fibers to remove them from the blood and protect the pH
The H+ ions from these acids are neutralized by the next base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced after the meal.
The H+ combines with the HCO3-, converts to carbonic ... Read Moreacid, H2CO3 which converts to CO2 and H2O.
The sulfuric and other acids from proteins are neutralized as follows where the HR represents any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4, PO4, or NO3)
HR + NaHCO3 H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg, K) +CO2

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