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Gammel 11-03-13, 08:59   #1
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Medlem siden: Jun 2011
Hvor: Østfold
Alder: 50
Innlegg: 6.228
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Mercola: enkelte former for lavkarbo kan kraftig redusere risikoen for hjerteatakk

I dagens nyhetsbrev refererer han en spansk undersøkelse:


The Right Fats Can Cut Your Heart Disease Risk by Nearly One-Third

The Spanish trial, which included nearly 7,450 volunteers between the ages of 55 and 80, began in 2003 and was stopped early for ethical reasons, in 2011, as the control group was deemed to be at a dangerous disadvantage. The participants had all been diagnosed with high risk of cardiovascular disease, but were asymptomatic at the outset of the study. Participants were followed for a median of 4.8 years.

The volunteers were randomly divided into three groups (two intervention groups and one control):

  1. Mediterranean diet rich in fresh vegetables, seafood, mono-unsaturated fats, supplemented with 30 grams of nuts per day (15 grams walnuts, 7.5 grams almonds, and 7.5 grams hazelnuts)
  2. Mediterranean diet (as above) supplemented with 50 ml of virgin olive oil per day instead of nuts
  3. Low-fat diet (control)
There were no calorie restrictions for any of the groups, nor was physical activity promoted or required. Compliance with olive oil and nut consumption was tested via blood and urine analysis. The primary end point was a composite of myocardial infarction, stroke, and death from cardiovascular causes. Secondary end points were stroke, myocardial infarction, death from cardiovascular causes, and death from any cause.

Remarkably, in less than five years, the two intervention groups achieved a 30 percent relative risk reduction for cardiovascular disease, and stroke reduction was an impressive 49 percent.

Det ironiske er det han skriver som påfølgende:


No wonder they felt the trial had to be stopped for ethical reasons! Sadly, low-fat diets are among the most accepted diets in the medical community, both for weight management and cardiac health, and have been aggressively promoted for the past 60 years. Now the evidence is showing this is perhaps the worst type of diet one could consume.

... og denne dietten er det helsemyndighetene (og Mills) promoterer.

Sorry for Smeaglo-snakk i trådoverskriften. Stavekontroll er ikke min sterke side.

Fant (og mistet igjen) matchvekta under candida- og eliminasjonsdiett ifm. stoffskiftesykdom. Forsøker nå å finne den igjen med inspirasjon fra Primal Blueprint
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