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Gammel 03-04-12, 17:39   #20
Medlem siden: Apr 2008
Innlegg: 195
PrøveKanin er ny på veien

Sv: Hva er viktigst, LAVkarbo eller HØYfett?

Mettet fett er veldig viktig:

CELL MEMBRANES: Require (50%) saturated fatty acids to be "waterproof" and function properly
HEART prefers saturated long-chain 16-carbon palmitic and 18-C stearic acid (over carbohydrates) for energy
BONES need saturated fats to assimilate calcium effectivly
LIVER they proect it from the adverse effects of alcohol and medications like acetaminophen
LUNGS lung surfactant, which prevents asthma and other breathing disorders, is composed entirely of 16-C aplmitic acid
HORMONES they function as signaling messengers for hormone production
IMMUNE SYSTEM Saturated fats play an important role here. They-- Prime white blood cells to destroy invading bacteria, viruses and fungi, and to fight tumors. And Medium-chain 12-C lauric acid and 14-C myristic acid (in butter) kill bacteria and candida in the gut
SIGNAL SATIETY so you eat less, lose fat, and maintain a normal weight
GENERAL HEALTH eating saturated fats lowers consuption of health-damaging carbohydrates and polyunsaturated vegetable oils

Om de vil ha studier så kan du jo vise til metastudien (=gjennomgang av alle studier) som frikjenner mettet fett iforhold til hjerte/kar sykdom (den kom ifjor?)

Du kan også spørre dine venner om hvordan du skal ta opp de fettløselige vitaminene i grønnsaker dersom du ikke skal ha fett i maten ?

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