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Gammel 29-11-06, 12:08   #19
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Sv: Billigste kosttilskudd for mage/tarm

Artig tråd!
Jeg ville jo tro at vanlig løslig fiber vil gi samme effekt.
Ser ikke helt at gelatin vil gagne systemet over lengre tid.. men det er jo kjempe bra at det funker som noe temporary relief.

Etter jeg flytta til tyskland, så har de innfødte treningskompisene mine fått meg til å konsumerer:

Papaya (

Opprinnelig lagt inn av Wikipedia

Originally from southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America, the papaya is now cultivated in most countries with a tropical climate like India and the Philippines.
The primary use of the papaya is as an edible fruit. It is usually eaten raw, without the skin or seeds. The unripe green fruit of papaya can be eaten cooked usually in curries, salads and stews.
Papaya is rich in an enzyme called papain (a protease which is useful in tenderizing meat) and other proteins. Its utility is in breaking down the tough meat fibers and it has been utilized for thousands of years in its native South America. It is included as a component in powdered meat tenderizers. Papaya enzyme is also marketed in tablet form to remedy digestive problems. Caution should be taken when harvesting, as papaya is known to release a latex fluid when not quite ripe, which can cause irritation and provoke allergic reaction in some people. The papaya fruit and leaves also contains carpaine, an anthelmintic alkaloid which could be dangerous in high doses.
Women in India and Sri Lanka and other parts of the world have long used papaya as a folk remedy for contraception and abortion. Medical research in animals has confirmed the contraceptive and abortifacient capability of papaya, and also found that papaya has contraceptive effects in men as well.[1] Unripe papaya is especially effective, in large amounts or high doses. Papaya is not teratogenic and will not cause miscarriage in small, ripe amounts. Phytochemicals in papaya may suppress the effects of progesterone. [2]
The black seeds are edible, and have a sharp, spicy taste. They are sometimes ground up and used as a substitute for black pepper. In some parts of Asia the young leaves of papaya are steamed and eaten like spinach.
Excessive consumption of papaya, like of carrots, can cause carotenemia, the yellowing of soles and palms which is otherwise harmless.

Sauerkraut (

Opprinnelig lagt inn av Wikipedia

Raw sauerkraut is an extremely healthy food. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, lactobacilli (even more than yoghurt), and other nutrients. However, the low pH and overabundance of lactobacilli can easily upset the stomach of people who are not used to eating raw sauerkraut. Sauerkraut provided a vital source for these nutrients during the winter, especially before frozen foods and importation of foods from southern countries became generally available in northern and central Europe. Captain James Cook always took a store of sauerkraut on his sea voyages, since experience had taught him that it was an effective remedy against scurvy. It is now known that the preservation of sauerkraut in an anaerobic environment (under the brine) keeps the vitamin C in it from being oxidized. There is some evidence [1] that indicates that kimchi and by extension sauerkraut may be used to treat avian influenza in birds. There is currently no evidence of its effects on human cases.
Sauerkraut is also a source of biogenic amines such as tyramine, which in sensitive people can cause adverse reactions [2] [3].

En ting er at det er mageregulerernde, men det er helt rått hvilket treningsutbytte man får.
Har aldri klart før å bli like ripped som jeg er nå(78kg, 9%bf), med samme styrke og utholdenhet. Før da var det stress å være ripped, sliten hele tiden osv..
Papaya er visstnok også kjent som skjønnhets frukt,
for those who cares

Jeg sleit også noe med magen før(løs mage), noe jeg er rimelig sikker på var pga proteinpulverene jeg konsumerte.
Jeg slutta med det, la om kostholdet, mer velbalansert og med friske enzymrike frukter(papaya,kiwi,ananas) til hvert protein måltid.

Jeg prøvde også denne FitLine yoghurten en tid tilbake, uten videre hell. har prøvd noen andre probiotiske yoghurter også, uten effekt. Funker sikkert for noen, men det å få probiotiske bakterier til å faktisk _etablere_ seg i tarmslimhinnen har jeg liten tro på.

Jeg er litt fan av å spise gode ting via føde, istedet for å supplere med allverdens. Man kan spise så mye isolerte proteiner, vitaminer, mineraler, enzymer osv. men bio-tilgjengeligheten vil aldri bli den samme som the real deal.

Lykke til, themonk, med å få magen på rett kjøl !

Yours truly,

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