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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:) Smile Smile
:( Frown Frown
:confused: Confused Confused
:mad: Mad Mad
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
;) Wink Wink
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek: EEK! EEK!
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:mus: Mus Mus
:klovn: Klovn Klovn
:gator: Gator Gator
:frosk: Frosk Frosk
:ku: Ku Ku
:kanin: Kanin Kanin
:gave: Gave Gave
:bjørn: Bjørn Bjørn
:4klover: 4klover 4klover
Gule smilier
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:høh: Høh Høh
:visemuskl Visemuskler Visemuskler
:shifty: Shifty Shifty
:forstoikk Forsto ikke Forsto ikke
:lol: Lol Lol
:love: Forelsket Forelsket
:hjelp: Hjelp Hjelp
:veitikke: Veitikke Veitikke
:rulleøyne Rolleyes Rolleyes
:engel_ikk Engel Ikke Engel Ikke
:lesebok: Lesebok Lesebok
:hest: Hest Hest
:utenutryk Utenutrykk Utenutrykk
:rodme: Rodme Rodme
:_oy: Oy Oy
:krangle: Krangle Krangle
:helsesjek Helsesjekk Helsesjekk
:uskyldig: Uskyldig Uskyldig
:realmad: Realmad Realmad
:detektiv: Detektiv Detektiv
:happybday Happybday Happybday
:syklubb: Syklubb Syklubb
:_punk: Punk Punk
:kul: Kul Kul
:klem: Klem Klem
:goodluck: Goodluck Goodluck
:stuart: Stuart Stuart
:_prikk: Prikkprikkprikk Prikkprikkprikk
:boxing: Boxing Boxing
:kadetgaar Kadetgaari Kadetgaari
:geip: Geip Geip
:stortsmil Stortsmil Stortsmil
:_online2l Online2long Online2long
:boat: Boat Boat
:jegvant: Jegvant Jegvant
:spisesnak Spisesnaks Spisesnaks
:_ohmy: Ohmy Ohmy
:blomster: Blomster Blomster
:ja: Ja Ja
:full: Full Full
:snill: Snill Snill
:nei: Nei Nei
:blinke: Blinke Blinke
:hylgrine: Hylgrine Hylgrine
:wacko: Wacko Wacko
:smile: Smile Smile
:_oppgitt: Oppgitt Oppgitt
:nedfor: Nedfor Nedfor
:hungry: Hungry Hungry
:w00t: W00t W00t
:sikle: Sikle Sikle
:forvirret Forvirret Forvirret
:sint: Sint Sint
:_plystre: Plystre Plystre
:sove: Sove Sove
Flere smilier
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:meditere: Meditere Meditere
:snurt: Snurt Snurt
:spent: Spent Spent
:liste: Liste Liste
:roert: Roert Roert
:dulte: Dulte Dulte
:heia: Heia Heia
:hearts: Hearts Hearts
:flau: Flau Flau
:suss: Suss Suss

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