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Grillet laks med merian - Fase 1

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Gammel 09-10-04, 23:12   #1
Marianne sin avatar
Medlem siden: Sep 2004
Hvor: Østlandet
Innlegg: 4.596
Marianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastiskMarianne er bare helt fantastisk

Grillet laks med merian - Fase 1

Grilled Salmon with Marjoram

Two servings.

1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 teaspoon fresh lime juice

1 1/2 teaspoons dried marjoram

Pinch of salt and ground black pepper to taste (about 1/16 teaspoon)

Two 6-ounce salmon steaks

Mix together the oil, lime juice, marjoram, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Brush the salmon steaks all over with the mixture. Set up a grill or preheat a broiler. Position the fish about 4 inches from the heat source and grill or broil the steaks for about 3 minutes per side, until the fish flakes easily, brushing with more lime oil after turning the fish.


I expand my life to include the possibilities of miracles!
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