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Hva er lov i fase 3?

Fase III Livsstilsfasen

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Gammel 24-04-05, 20:21   #1
pusi sin avatar
Medlem siden: Apr 2005
Hvor: Froskeland
Alder: 45
Innlegg: 83
pusi er ny på veien

Hva er lov i fase 3?

Noen som har lyst til å forklare?

*** Liten, men tøff. Fres! ***

pusi er avlogget   Min kostholdsfilosofi: MUP - egenkomponert Svar med sitat
Gammel 24-04-05, 21:33   #2
Nille sin avatar
Medlem siden: Feb 2004
Alder: 67
Innlegg: 16.021
Nille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastiskNille er bare helt fantastisk

Opprinnelig lagt inn av pusi

Noen som har lyst til å forklare?

Tja, jeg har vært ute og stjælt igjen jeg da. Du følger hovedsaklig fase 2 matlister - fase to er jo der du innfører mer karber i kostholdet igjen.....

How to adapt your meal plan - Phase 3
By the time you reach Phase 3, you'll know which starches and carbs you can eat without gaining weight, so you'll have already integrated them into your diet. You'll be eating normal foods in normal-size portions, sticking to the good carbs and good fats. There's no list of forbidden foods in Phase 3, however. In other words, if you want it, and it doesn't undo all your sacrifices, you should go ahead and enjoy it! Here's a look at general eating guidelines.

If you'd like to adapt some of your meals to exclude meat, simply choose protein sources such as beans, soy products, lower fat cheese, eggs and egg substitutes, and eat vegetables and nuts for snacks.

Protein: Quantity is not limited. Start with a 2 oz. portion, eat slowly, go back for seconds if still hungry.
Vegetables: Minimum 1/2 cup or 6-8 oz. tomato or vegetable juice.
Fruit: 3 fruit servings allowed daily.
Starch: 3 to 4 starch servings allowed daily.
Milk/Dairy: 2-3 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 tsp mayonnaise, trans-free margarine, or oil (optional)

Protein: Quantity is not limited. Start with a 3 oz. portion, eat slowly, go back for seconds if still hungry.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups. We encourage you to include a serving of beans (1/3-1/2 cup) as part of your vegetables.
Fruit: 3 fruit servings allowed daily.
Starch: 3 to 4 starch servings allowed daily.
Milk/Dairy: 2-3 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise, trans-free margarine or oil, or 2 Tbsp salad dressing

Protein: Quantity is not limited. Start with a 3 oz. portion, eat slowly, go back for seconds if still hungry.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups. We encourage you to include a serving of beans (1/3-1/2 cup) as part of your vegetables.
Fruit: 3 fruit servings allowed daily.
Starch: 3 to 4 starch servings allowed daily.
Milk/Dairy: 2-3 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise, trans-free margarine or oil, or 2 Tbsp salad dressing

SNACKS AND DESSERT: Snacks and dessert are optional. Choose a protein, vegetable, fat-free plain yogurt, artificially sweetened non-fat flavored yogurt, nuts/seeds, or a Sweet Treat. A snack that combines protein (1 oz.) and vegetables is encouraged.

BEVERAGES: Diet, decaffeinated, sugar-free drinks are not limited. You can enjoy caffeinated coffee or diet sodas with caffeine added, but limit to 1 - 2 servings per day.

Life is short ~ break the rules ~ forgive quickly ~ kiss slowly ~ love truly ~ laugh uncontrollably ~and never regret anything that made you smile
Nille er avlogget   Min kostholdsfilosofi: Atkins Svar med sitat
Gammel 24-04-05, 22:25   #3
pusi sin avatar
Medlem siden: Apr 2005
Hvor: Froskeland
Alder: 45
Innlegg: 83
pusi er ny på veien

Aiai! Takktakk!

Stjæling er bra!

*** Liten, men tøff. Fres! ***

pusi er avlogget   Min kostholdsfilosofi: MUP - egenkomponert Svar med sitat

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